Welcome to SquigVerse and its vibrant humor. As you wander the pages and links of this delightful website I hope you laugh (and then laugh again). Laughter is so needily good for all of us now, what with so much depermanenting[SqTlkDef]. If we all laugh more today it will be so very muchly better. It will make us better friends. It will make us better Heros!

— Squigley Man

a note from the SquigVerse PR Staff…
(mostly from Wilma, Brin MacDonnald and C E Simon)

It’s our sincere hope you’ll come to laugh heartily as you get to know and embrace SquigVerse. After all, laughter is our raison d’être. On these pages you’ll encounter people and places both familiar and strange. You’ll get to know and love Squigs* (who are people too) doing and saying amazing things as they become your friends.

So head over to our We Are Squigs page to get to know Squigs better or to our SquigNStuff page to see what other xtra-normal funness awaits!

* Squigs are those people and things that come from SquigVerse, and while we’re on the subject, TVOs (ThisVerse Objects), are people and things of ThisVerse (like, you know, people from Kansas or New York City). Many TVOs refer to ThisVerse as the ‘Real World’ and SquigVerse as a ‘Virtual World’, which is only vaguely accurate, but such an understanding is good enough for now.

PS. We realize some of the words that we squigs use may confuse you who are ThisVersers (and btw, not to worry, you are not squigs since you are not 2Ders and did not grow up in SquigVerse). So we invite you to visit our SquigTalk page where you can find some of our more popular, though maybe more confusing words.


The Greatest Friends are the Greatest Superheroes
The Greatest Superheroes are the Greatest Friends

– Squigley Man