Story Cards (Soon)

These are larger-format cards, the largest ones in fact that we have to date created. And this is not without purpose. We’ve been asked by prominent and not prominent, ThisVersers to help convey the joy and meaning of Squigs and by extension SquigVerse. Also, though actions speak louder than words and a picture is worth a 1000 words, we believe pictures used in action by ThisVersers interacting Face-To-Face is by far the greatest way to share the funness and goodwillness that is the Core of SquigVerse…

So what to do with them you might ask? Well we have a suggestion… How about hosting a SquigVerse-Themed Dinner Party? Invite your guests to arrive before the meal to participate in the funness of Storyleting Squig style [the telling while embellishing of a rather small tale]. Have each guest pick one Story Card from the pack and give them time to read what is written on the back to themselves. And then the fun begins! The Host holds up the Story Card Cover for all to see and reads from the back of it so that everyone becomes familiar with what SquigVerse is…

Well for the sake of brevity, something we/I have a problem doing, we have this link to ‘The Tao Story Carding’ where is express ways for ThisVersers to use these wonderful, inspiring Cards.


Story Card: Shadiyah

* Size: 6″ x 8″
* Displays Links for More Information

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The Greatest Friends are the Greatest Superheroes
The Greatest Superheroes are the Greatest Friends

– Squigley Man