SquigVerse to ThisVerse
(Talkcionary / Otherword)
Explanations: this page shows many of the words found on this website that are better understood by Squigs than TVOs. So as you peruse the contents herein, please come back to this page if some of the words you encounter are difficult to make sense of. Our SquigVerse wordsmythes have worked closely with ThisVerse wordsmiths to build this location into the useful resource it is today.
Because language is a living thing, so will this page live and grow.
SqVrs-Word | Talktionary | Otherword (ThVrs) |
2Ders | n - That which inhabits SquigVerse (see SquigVerse below) | Two dimensional things |
amuseness | n - When something is presented to someone and that something makes that someone laugh, then that something has built-in at least a bit of humor... that is, it's the quality of imparting humor... Often used in the phrase: “for Your amuseness!” | Amusement |
classing | v - To do things for an extended amount of time, usually longer than you want to and related to one or more classes. | Studying |
columnator | n - A person or squig who writes columns in magazines. Like: Buster | Columnist |
depermanenting | v - The state or action of making something that is permanent no longer permanent | changing |
fashionist | n - Those who lead the pack by creating new designs for clothing and outer ware, much of which become fashions in their own right | fashion designer |
finder | n - Squig whose purpose in life is to find things (or maybe just a “major focus” in life like when one has a certain skill and then gets a job primarily using that skill). | Explorer, research scientist, bird watcher, etc. |
friendness | n - The state of being and presence of mind that enables people to be friends. It is one of the most important arts of being alive. It is the heart and soul of Squigley Man. In fact it is the essence of his Superheroness. By knowing and emulating Squigley Man we all can be superheros when we become friends. | Friendliness / Friendship |
funness | n - something that is truly fun | the realm of fun |
goodishly | adv - Feeling, doing better and better | Well |
handables | n - Those Items ur, those “things” that one consumes through the use of one’s eyes and in a process called reading, and that are held in the hand. Usually they exist in some volume that requires advancing portions of it to get at what lies beyond as one reads. Commonly made of paper and stuck together on one edge, since the introduction of the iPod (tm) by Apple (tm) they could be made to be read electronically. Synonyms: Book, eBook, Magazines, eZines, Zines | Books |
history finder | n - Similar in profession to a Finder (see Reginald Branhoffer), but focuses on forgotten things, or old things not well remembered like history (see Charleen Clooney) | Historian |
hoppling | n - A diminutive field mouse that, for a time, habituates a nervous upward movement propelled by an irresistible, semi-aborted hop, usually caused by being startled. | young mouse |
imager | n - Illustrator, Painter, maker of images - Well known Imager: Brin MacDonnald | Painter, Illustrator |
laughmaker | n - One who says something that makes those who hear it laugh. Can be just a random dude, or you possibly if you get a hanckerin... Can be a professional who performs at, once smoke-filled, dive bars with a mic and a dingy stage or who can “class up” so as to fill the halls of kings! | Comedian |
laughmaker’s delight | n - Not a pastry, or a piece of chocolate breaded with dried coconut, glued on with egg white, and spritzed with pure vanilla extract before being flash-baked... No, it is a bundle of performances so well done, that it becomes impossible for one to not laugh... It is the supreme goal of all laughmakers of the realm (well SquigVerse may or may not have realms, but you get the idea... besides it just sounds good)! | Comedian Master Performance |
needily | adv - relating to something that is important but absent | adverbial form of needed |
neoanimate verse | n - Mostly a two dimensional universe that exists coincidentally with ThisVerse (ThVrs), breaking into ThVrs realities most commonly through the activation of friendship and wisdom. | SquigVerse |
otherword | n - The equivalent SqVrs word in a ThVrs language | Translation (usually English) |
raison d’être | n - The most important reason or purpose for someone or something's existence | reason for being |
seeurneys | n - A journey taken for the purpose of searching out things that are lost. Usually seeurneys are to far away places, but sometimes they take place in your backyard just behind the rose bushes. Reginald Branhoffer, a fabulous seaker, has taken numerous seeurneys. | Research Journey |
squeakling | n - To squeak a murmur What field mice do if in a group and as a group are frightened | freightened field mice |
SquigVerse | n - A Neoanimate Verse (For ThVrsers, Verse applies to the ‘Universe’ not to music) | SquigVerse |
SqVrs-Word | n - SquigWordDefinition | ThVrsOtherword |
SqVrs | n - Abbreviation for SquigVerse | SquigVerse |
storilet | n - The compact telling of something, say a journey or an affair, etc, that often follows the three act convention of a major Hollywood production, but is very, very short... like maybe only a few paragraphs long! | short story |
storygiver | n - Person or Squig who puts thoughts or words on paper, or in computers, etc about things they invent, research, or stumble upon | Writer |
superheroness | adj - The presence of mind (and well, the state of mind) that allows Squigs and TVOs to be, actually be superheros. | Kindness with Generosity |
superheronicalist | n - Also known as a superhero, an animate that is a friend with an eye to the axiom “A Friend In Need Is A Friend Indeed!” | Superhero |
talkcionary | n - SquigVerse Dialect Dictionary | Dialect Dictionary |
ThisVerse | n - This universe where most of you people are reading this definition | Universe (planet Earth) |
ThVrs | n - Abbreviation for ThisVerse | Our universe that non-squigs inhabit |
xtra-normal | n - Beyond what one would think is the most common for the situation | over-the-top |
bigfulness | n - Really big and full in purpose and meaning (or maybe wealth in the abstract) | liberality |
TVO | n - ThisVers Object, usually of some significance... | Significant Objects found in ThisVerse |
infonary | n - Tool for discovering the meaning of words that may be obscure, or just strange | Dictionary |
interconnectworks | n - Tool that enables the web of ThisVersers, using computers and picture-phones, to do what they used to do face-to-face, or in a library | Internet |
storylet | n - A narration of something that 's worth hearing about, usually 3 to 10 paragraphs | Short Story, usually aurally transmitted |
storyletting | n - The process of telling and expanding on a very short story | Think "Telephone Game" |
The Greatest Friends are the Greatest Superheroes
– Squigley Man
The Greatest Superheroes are the Greatest Friends